• Thumbnail 1
  • Thumbnail 2
  • Thumbnail 3

Pu Coated Poly Glove XL 12/PK


Regular Price:


In Stock

  • Polyurethane (PU) smooth palm coating provides a secure grip in dry and slightly wet conditions
  • 13 gauge polyester seamless liner with comfort and breathability
  • Excellent dexterity and tactile sensitivity
  • Elasticized cuff designed to keep out dirt and debris
  • Machine washable

Machine washable
Elasticized cuff designed to keep out dirt and debris
Excellent dexterity and tactile sensitivity
13 gauge polyester seamless liner with comfort and breathability
Polyurethane (PU) smooth palm coating provides a secure grip in dry and slightly wet conditions
For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. ©2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

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* 13 gauge polyester seamless liner with comfort and breathability
* Excellent dexterity and tactile sensitivity
* Elasticized cuff designed to keep out dirt and debris
* Machine washable
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Model 22764-12
Weight 0.15
Status In stock