• Thumbnail 1

Gas Can 1-1/4 GAL


Regular Price: $20.08


In Stock

  • Push button control
  • View stripes front and back
  • Auto flow stop
  • Fastest flow rate
  • Large neck opening

Complies with U.S. EPA emission regulations for portable fuel containers
High density polyethylene
Wide, stable design
Large neck opening
Fastest flow rate
Auto flow stop
View stripes front and back
Push button control
For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. ©2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

Environment variables:

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* View stripes front and back
* Auto flow stop
* Fastest flow rate
* Large neck opening
* Wide, stable design
* High density polyethylene 
* Complies with U.S. EPA emission regulations for portable fuel containers
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                            [name] => Gas Can 1-1/4 GAL



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Model 1415-S
Weight 1.9
Status In stock