• Thumbnail 1

Oil; Air Filter 1LTR NR


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  • Adhesive oil for foam air filters
  • Water resistant, efficiently retains dust, mud, and sand for an extended engine life span
  • Blue colored for easy application
  • RECOMMENDATIONS: Clean the filter. Soak in a tray of Motul Air Filter Oil and allow to penetrate thoroughly. Take off the filter and press it without wringing it to remove excess product. Let stand 10 minutes before refitting the air filter.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Clean the filter. Soak in a tray of Motul Air Filter Oil and allow to penetrate thoroughly. Take off the filter and press it without wringing it to remove excess product. Let stand 10 minutes before refitting the air filter.
Blue colored for easy application
Water resistant, efficiently retains dust, mud, and sand for an extended engine life span
Adhesive oil for foam air filters
For optimum performance and safety, please read the owner's manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. ©2016 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

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* Water resistant, efficiently retains dust, mud, and sand for an extended engine life span
* Blue colored for easy application
* RECOMMENDATIONS: Clean the filter. Soak in a tray of Motul Air Filter Oil and allow to penetrate thoroughly. Take off the filter and press it without wringing it to remove excess product. Let stand 10 minutes before refitting the air filter.
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Model 08207-MTL-000
Weight 2.6
Status Out of stock